Hilliard United Methodist Church
(Currently Cornerstone Christian Fellowship)
Corner Main and Norwich Streets (Map No. 8)
The Methodists were the first organized congregation in Hilliard.
They built this attractive brick church building in 1883. When John Hilliard planned the village in 1853, he planned for a church at this spot. He set aside two (2) parcels or sections of land at the corner of Main and Norwich Streets for a church. This building replaced an earlier frame building built here in 1855.
The Methodist Church drew a strong following in Hilliard.It had 300 members in 1876. Special features of the church building include:
- dominant corner bell tower;
- wood entry porch; and
- pointed arch windows.
These features make this Gothic Revival church building an important landmark in the heart of Old Hilliard.
Adapted by Betty Dangel