Last Stop - The 2000s


In 2000, an electrical spark caused a fire at the Fairgrounds. The fire quickly consumed the Grandstand and totally destroyed it. A new grandstand was constructed in 2001.

SBC (now AT&T) had to expand their telephone communications building on Columbia Street in 2005. When they did, they demolished Hotel Franklin and renovated another home. The newly renovated home was donated to The Northwest Franklin County Historical Society for a Library. It is located on Main Street in Old Hilliard.


Life in Northwest Franklin County today is a mixture of subdivisions, businesses and agriculture.  In spite of all the growth in the area, there are still a number of farms in the western edge, especially in Brown Township.


In 2000, the total population for all the townships, villages and cities that live in the Hilliard City School District was reported to be 79,125.

Most subdivisions have a welcoming sign or a greeting sign near the main entrance. Even though new homes were being built, history still impacted new growth. It has become a Hilliard tradition to name roads, streets, schools and buildings after early pioneers and townsfolk. This helps reminds us of who we are, where we have been, and where we are going as Hilliard grows and changes.

Norwich Street improvements in Old Hilliard were started in 2007. These improvements included widening the road and some of the trees along the road had to be taken down.  Here is a series of photos of a tree that was in front of Tidd’s Funeral home.

What’s Happening in the US and the World

The Internet continues to change every aspect of our life. It is changing the way we do our jobs, how we find information and how we communicate with others.

You will find many more stories, pictures and articles on our journey through Northwest Franklin County in the topics across the top of the timeline!  All aboard!


Expansion Growth by Brooke Germaine

Edited and Compiled by Rich Boettner